
Farmer Feature: Rick Christy

Written by Brei Larmoyeux | May 19, 2021 5:06:01 PM

It all started with an opinionated grandmother, a neighbor with a grassroots magazine, and a clandestine seminar that led Rick Christy to grow for Timeless Food.

Rick Christy’s grandmother was ahead of her time in some regards. She spoke freely about the detrimental consequences of consuming junk food and using synthetic chemicals in growing practices. It took awhile to see, but as it turned out, a good many of her premonitions were right and are playing out decades after Rick first started hearing them. His grandmother’s influence at least left him open to explore the possibility that there are safer ways to produce nutrient rich foods.

Fast forward several years, and Rick learned he had a neighbor who published a newsletter on alternative growing options. He began to look at other ways that might work for his specific operation. It was in this publication that he saw an advertisement for a seminar taught by our own Dave Oein on the benefits of Black Medic, a beneficial plant that at the time was thought of as a taboo noxious weed.

Timeless still has the pleasure of having our products in Rick’s growing rotation. He is a consistent cooperator and willing to share his knowledge in the form of mentorship to any new farmer that he can help along the way. His “aha” moment into what works using organic practices happened when he finally understood the carbon cycle. Knowing the science combined with implementing what he knows from experience has changed the game for his operation.

“I want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. We want a brighter future than the current direction is going,” he shares.

Thank you, Rick, for all you do!
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