
Farmer Feature: Linda & Daryl Lassila

Written by Brei Larmoyeux | May 2, 2020 4:36:00 AM

Veteran farmer Daryl Lassila and his wife Linda have been farming organically for 18 years.

"They said it couldn't be done on this patch of land that I'm sitting on right now," he reminisced of his neighbor’s doubts.

Nearly two decades later, three of his neighbors have seen the results of his work and have now transitioned a portion of their land to organic farming. Why? Because of results. In the still of winter, his mind is churning with planning out the year’s rotation. Soil health is the goal when deciding what rotation works best to build nitrogen for maximum yield.

Daryl and Linda are a vibrant part of the Timeless community. They take pride in stewarding the land with sustainable practices; making sure that the product they provide is the highest quality available. From farm tours to sharing what worked and didn't work, these long-time members of the Montana Organic Association (MOA) have contributed much to the Montana agriculture scene and we are grateful to have them along on our journey.