
Farmer Feature: Honey's Family Farm

Written by Timeless Natural Food® | Jun 1, 2021 6:52:00 PM

The picture you see here is that of legacy: Corban Honey’s three boys working in the fields just like his family has done for generations.

In a different world, Corben got his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) thinking he would make his way in business. Yet there were moments of reflection when he wondered how he was going to raise his children with as much freedom and responsibility as he learned from the farming ethic that was instilled in him.

When he surveyed his fields, Corben knew a farming lifestyle was where his heart was and would provide the simple lifestyle he longed to give his family.

So his plans for a business career were set aside and he became a 5th generation farmer, which turned out to be the right move for him, his wife, and growing family.

Corban is a farmer living with celiac disease in the largest wheat producing area in the country. His transition from growing conventional crops to organic and gluten free was forged by the trials that came from contending with severe health issues.

His personal interest in producing a clean and healthy end product has made him a more conscientious farmer. “For us it is about peoples’ health; making something that you can feel good about feeding yourself and others.”

In addition to 5,600 acres in Montana, he and his family farm 16,000 acres across the Canadian border. When thinking about what sets his crops apart he shares, “Farming is consumer-driven. People need to know that behind most organic products there is truly a family farm trying to make things work. If you are looking at two products in the grocery store that seem similar in appearance but one is organic and the other conventional, you should know that the premium that you pay for the organic product is there in part as a result of the greater amount of creative troubleshooting that goes into producing it. If you, as a farmer, want to succeed, you have to do everything perfectly on your end, because there are so many unpredictable factors that could ruin your crop. It is more difficult doing it this way, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Keeping up with an operation this large can be quite daunting and monotony can be a killjoy in any given profession. Despite all of the to-do lists, endless phone calls, hours on the tractor, and schedules to coordinate, Corben still maintains a sense of wonder in what he does.
“As simple as it sounds, it’s still amazing to me how you plant seeds in the ground and tender plants emerge every single spring. Each plant holds a new crop just within its seed.”
Corben and family, thanks for all you do! We appreciate your contribution to our Timeless community.